Thursday, July 16, 2009

Macro as art....

I love it! Not your traditional Macro. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that too! But I am obsessed right now with Macro and stills as art! To see what I mean check out Kiwi Gal's FLICKR. She has Macro work, stills and just GREAT stuff! I am in AWE of her Macro and still work and LOVE how she is able to convert it to art! I am 500 million light years away from her, but we all have to start somewhere right?

I LOVE the reflection in the water drop here...

These remind me of Pea Pods...
And just a lil guy trying to dry off his wings...

What I love so much about Macro is you can really make it your own. You can do this with portraits too. But there is just something about being able to take a Macro and turn it into what you envision....any way you envision.
Macro for me is very relaxing. It can turn a bad day into a good one. Which is why I chose to shoot some Macros today. Just one of those days. And you know what? I DO feel better! :O)
Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Little stranger...

This isn't my normal pretty things share! I was outside taking shots of water drops in the grass this morning and have no idea how I spotted this little stranger. But I'm so glad I did. I'm always amazed by these tiny guys! Why I call them guys I don't know! Ha! I love that my Macro lens can pick up detail in a spider smaller than a dime that my naked eye cannot. Some are prettier than others. I love the red on this lil guys face. It seems to give him character.

So I will call him "Red Faced Bandit"! Looks like he's wearing little blue socks! :O)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some purty flowers...

with some purty soft edits! These are the teeny tiny wild flowers that we all have everywhere! I just love shooting these little guys with my Macro lens.

I used some LB on them and a pastel wash action from Childs Play. And a new cleaner WM...for now! :O)

Hope everyone is having a beautiful week!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My newest obsession...FLOWERS & my Macro lens...

Before I got my Macro lens, I wasn't "into" shooting flowers. Every one in a while I'd take some flower shots if I happened to see pretty ones. But I never went out of my way to seek them, much less buy them to photograph. Well...I think I've now turned a corner to an all time low of photography related freakdom! Ha!

Everyone who knows me thinks I have totally lost ALL the marbles in my head since finding photography June 30th last year. Yep, I've had my camera almost year. And ya know what, I think they are right! But I love it and that's okay!

So I decided to try some creative edits on my flowers this time since the last ones I took I did all clean editing. It was hard at first because I worked so hard to get good crisp shots with my Macro lens to SEE the detail. The thought of fogging up and texturing my flowers shots didn't seem right. But it didn't take long for me to get going and LOVE it!

I hope you like them as much as I do...

I hope this post finds you well and thanks for stoppin by! :O)


About My Macro Blog

Not much to say. I got my EF 100mm 2.8 Macro lens at the end of June and have been hooked! So I wanted a seperate blog to display my Macro shots for those who appreciate this type of thing and to not bore those who don't! Ha! I hope you like the blog! :O)

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