Finally....some macro...
This was much needed as usual. I always say Macro is my happy place and it's still true.
Now I'll let the photographs do the talking...

This one is probably one of my all time favorites. I love the lighting and the effect it has on the image...

Thanks for stoppin by even tho I know I don't post too much! Hope everyone is well! :O)

This one is probably one of my all time favorites. I love the lighting and the effect it has on the image...

Thanks for stoppin by even tho I know I don't post too much! Hope everyone is well! :O)
Hi Crystal - your macros are beautiful, as usual. I love the first ones with the blues and purples. Gorgeous!
I have a question for you... first of all, this is Amanda (amaranthris) from iVillage, SMFB and Family Photography. I'm trying to design a board blinkie for my playgroup... we are the April 2010 Dewdrops. I was looking for a photo of a dew drop and you have some gorgeous ones! Would you mind if they were used in a board blinkie? I could put your website on the blinkie next to the picture. If you'd rather not, that is totally okay. I just figured it couldn't hurt to ask! :)
Hey Amanda! Of course I remember you! :O) Thanks for the blog luv. Email me at momaziggy AT yahoo DOT com! :O)
Just came across this blog and WOW! Beautiful photos!
ONe more thing....Do you use a tripod?
Thank you so much Jessica! :O) I don't use a tripod. I don't even own one. Actually that's not true. I have an old one that is broken. Lol! I wish I did tho because then I would be able to stop down my lens more and get a deeper DOF and a little sharper. One day hopefully...but you HAVE to have one to shoot macro. But it is helpful! Lol!
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