Friday, January 22, 2010

Beauty & the bees...

I've had these shots sitting on my EHD since Dec 17th and finally got around to editing them. I had a lot of fun shooting and editing them! Macro is always my happy place because I can truly be ME in shooting and editing. It's soothing and I don't have to think...just do!

So here are the pretty shots first.

I found this rather large Dandelion near my hedges in my front yard. It's not big compared to some I've seen online, but it's the biggest one I've ever had in my yard. I first shot it full then ripped it up and shot some more! Lol!

Just some small pretty flowers that the bees love as you'll see further down...

And now to the less pretty...
The insects...

Until you see a fly shot with a Macro lens zoomed in in PS, you don't know just how hairy they are...

Teeny tiny bee of some sort taking flight. I was shooting something else and saw it out of the corner of my eye. I turned quickly and just shot and was happy that I got a decent shot...

Now onto the bees. I'm terrified of bees and have NEVER been stung, so this wasn't a lot of fun. But I was glad I did it after I loaded them!

I call these "Friends". Two bees gathering pollen in harmony...

So that's it for now! Hope all is well and thanks for looking! :O)


Sabina January 22, 2010 at 8:31 PM  

I love the dandelion pictures!!! The bug pics are good too, but you know me and bugs! Blech!

Meghan Rickard January 22, 2010 at 9:18 PM  

I love the fly shots, too amazing!

4chalseys@blogger January 23, 2010 at 7:31 AM  

Gorgeous. I'm so inspired by your macro shots!

Mireya January 23, 2010 at 5:49 PM  

Crystal, these are awesome! I love the bee shots, and the fly one is kind of cool, but I got a little grossed out by the hair, ewww, lol!

Alysha Sladek January 26, 2010 at 10:10 AM  

these are all stunning! makes me want to try it out

FEDERICA May 14, 2010 at 7:01 AM  

Oh wow. I just found your blog and I love it. All your photos are stunning! I love macro too! Wich lens do you use?
Greetings from Italy,

momaziggy May 14, 2010 at 11:49 AM  

Thank you Fredricia! I shoot Canon and use the EF 100mm 2.8. It's not the new L version with IS! Thank you for your kind words! :O)


About My Macro Blog

Not much to say. I got my EF 100mm 2.8 Macro lens at the end of June and have been hooked! So I wanted a seperate blog to display my Macro shots for those who appreciate this type of thing and to not bore those who don't! Ha! I hope you like the blog! :O)

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